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Tips Berhijab Bagi Tubuh Plus dan Pipi Tembem

Fashion itu luas dan tanpa batas. Fashion itu bukan hanya milik mereka yang bertubuh ideal atau yang berkulit putih mulus. Fashion itu milik siapa saja yang ingin tampil modis tanpa terkecuali. Milik siapa saja yang selalu ingin tampil serasi, seimbang dan sedap dipandang mata. Satu lagi yang paling penting, fashion itu sebenarnya sederhana. So Ladies jangan pernah takut, malu atau sungkan untuk berekspresi dan bergaya dalam berpakaian dengan apapun kekurangan Anda. Gemuk, bertubuh pendek atau berkulit gelap sama saja, yang penting Anda tahu bagaimana cara menyiasatinya. Sesederhana itu kok. Beberapa tips cara berpakaian dan berhijab untuk Anda yang bertubuh missy a.k.a gemuk, tanpa takut terlihat aneh dan berlebihan di mata orang lain.

1. Hindari Terlalu Banyak Aksesoris Di bagian Dada

Perhatikan kerudung yang tersampir pada bagian dada. Hindari terlalu banyak aksesoris atau hal yang menumpuk pada bagian tersebut. Buat kesan yang ‘clean’ di bagian dada. Hindari aksesoris seperti terlalu banyak lengkung-lengkung draperi agar dada tidak menghasilkan kesan ‘penuh’.

2. Perhatikan Pemilihan Bahan Kerudung

Sebaiknya, pilih kerudung dari bahan yang cukup tipis, lembut dan memiliki sifat ‘jatuh’ seperti chiffon, paris, polyspun dan rayon. Jangan memilih kerudung berbahan kaku karena akan membuat bagian dada Anda tampak semakin gemuk.

3. Hindari Motif Yang Berukuran Besar

Saat memilih motif pada pakaian atau kerudung, hindari motif yang berukuran besar. Sekali lagi hal tersebut akan membuat tubuh dan dada Anda terlihat semakin besar Ladies. Selain itu, hindari model pakaian yang memiliki detail pada bagian pinggang dan panggul. Sebaiknya, pilih tunik dengan tingkat kepanjangan setengah paha agar dapat menutupi bagian belakang Anda dengan sempurna.

4. Jauhi Legging

Jika Anda bertubuh besar, jangan pernah merasa mengenakan legging adalah pilihan terbaik, sebaliknya hindari penggunaan legging, jegging atau skinny sebagai celana utama. Anda baru dapat menggunakannya sebagai dalaman gamis. Dan untuk pilihan gamis sendiri, pilihlah yang membentuk siluet A-line.

5. Selektif Dalam Memilih Bawahan

Pilih bawahan berupa celana panjang berpipa lurus seperti Pallazo atau kulot. Untuk pemilihan bahan, disarankan untuk memilih bahan yang menyerap keringat dan stretch agar Anda bisa bebas bergerak.

Cantik itu memang milik siapa saja Ladies. Jangan pernah merasa diri Anda tidak menarik hanya karena ukuran tubuh yang besar, jika sudah tahu cara menyiasatinya, Anda akan tampak semakin menarik dan fashionable. Di samping itu, cantik dan fashionable tidak akan berarti tanpa disertai dengan hati yang cantik kan. Jadi, semangat ya Ladies, are your ready to be beautiful?

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Tips Memilih High Heels Fashionable

High heels atau sepatu hak tinggi mungkin bukan favorit banyak orang, namun menjadi salah satu must have item di rak sepatu mereka. Meski mungkin kita tak suka, pasti harus punya minimal sepasang, untuk event tertentu.

Kebanyakan wanita mungkin ragu membeli high heels, salah satunya karena heels bisa menjadi sepatu yang cukup menyiksa kaki. Membuat kaki lecet dan cepat lelah saat berjalan. Tapi, hal tersebut tak akan terjadi kalau Anda mencoba beberapa tips berikut ini.

Pilih Sepatu Dengan Bahan Empuk Dan Lembut
Sepatu dengan bahan yang kaku, membuat kaki tidak bebas bergerak, gerah dan membuat tumit atas Anda rawan lecet. Pastikan Anda memilih sepatu dengan bantalan dalam yang empuk, cukup sirkulasi dan pinggirannya lembut di kaki Anda.

Sesuaikan Ujung Sepatu Dengan Kaki Anda
Agar kaki tidak tersiksa, pilih sepatu yang tidak membuat ujung kaki Anda terasa kesempitan. Hak sepatu biasanya membuat tekanan pada kaki depan lebih kuat, sebaiknya pilih sepatu yang fit dengan bagian depan kaki Anda. Bila tak bebas dengan ujung sepatu yang tertutup, pakai sepatu dengan ujung terbuka atau open toe.

Tinggi Heels Yang Sesuai
Sepatu heels akan seksi, bila tampak fit di kaki. Heels yang tinggi belum tentu membuat kaki Anda kelihatan cantik, bisa jadi malah kelihatan tersiksa saat menggunakannya. Anda bisa mencoba heels rendah 3-5 cm bila ingin lebih lincah.

Back To Basic
Bila Anda ingin memilih sepatu dengan warna yang aman untuk segala keperluan, gunakan sepatu dengan warna basic. Sepatu hitam selalu masuk dalam suasana apapun, sepatu putih memberi kesan bersih dan innocence, sepatu dengan warna nude ala Kate Middleton membuat penampilan Anda nampak klasik.

Jangan sampai kaki Anda tersiksa karena salah pilih sepatu. Cobalah beberapa tips di atas, untuk mendapatkan sepatu favorit Anda.

Sumber : Vemale

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The Best Underwear For You, Ladies!

Currently there are a variety of women's underwear in the shape, color, and materials. Of course as a woman, there is a great temptation to buy a variety of reasons such as bored with the existing, future husband want to look nice, or because of the color that we've been missing. What about the health reasons? Has it ever crossed your minds of buying lingerie for health reasons? Well, in fact, the best fabric for women's health is a vital tool cotton, and here are the reasons :
  • Cotton has large pores so that the air can be in and out when you wear it well
  • Cotton absorbs sweat easily dry so damn miss v area we did not experience more moisture
  • Cotton is very friendly to the skin, so it does not cause skin irritation such as that can be created by materials such as satin
  • Cotton is not hot so it does not cause perspiration which can cause odor and vaginal discharge
  • Cotton is the material recommended by doctors especially gynecologists for women who have complaints against them miss v.

Ladies, it seems obvious what material is best not to your miss V. Not what have the underwear with different materials and with a unique model, but remember to use it at any time. Daily use especially for those who actively work or sports, you should wear cotton underwear. In addition to comfortable, also good for the health of our v miss. Stay healthy, ladies!

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Korea as World Trendsetter

Korea become more favored and many talks about it, especially by teenager, because Korea has turn into fashion barometer in many aspects, for example movies, songs, even life-style and fashion style become trend among teenager all over the world today. 

The Korean wave, or usually pronounced as Hallyu, is referring to the Korean popular culture since late 1990’s. This term first introduced in Beijing journalists, surprised by China growing appetite for Korean culture. They substitute this into “Hanlu”, which means “Korean stream”. This condition makes Korean culture, interested by many people and they want to learn more about it. Nevertheless, this article will give you a little study about Korea cultures, briefly. Importantly, it will help you to know better about Korea. 

Start with Korean traditional house, they called Hanok, they build it based on geomansi, or study about topography and believes about that the environment around us is a form of energy both positive and negative (eum and yang in Korean) that should be balanced. Geomansi influenced building formation, where is headed to, even materials to build it. Traditional Korean clothes are Hanbok, it contains two parts, an upper part is Jeogori, with trousers for man (baji) and skirt (chima). Korean dressed based on their social status, thus get dressed is very important. When they wear Hanbok? in special occasion, like First birthday of first child (doljanchi), wedding, or condolences. Culinary in Korea, influenced by their farming tradition. Main food is rice. Main productions are, rice, wheat and nuts. Korean culinary mostly produced from fermentation for a long time, for example kimchi and doenjang. Fermentation food is very useful, especially in winter to provide enough vitamins and proteins

Everything about Korea nowadays, is a trend, including fashion. Talks about Korea is all about music or fashion, from music there is boyband or girlband, at least is about beauties and handsome of the artists. Korean songs, are become hits on most billboard songs all over the world. Korean fashion has become barometer in the world today, there are so many clothes based on Korean drama or artists, from adult to children. A female fashion trend with baju wanita , has been predicted unchanged from last year with has many colors on it and unique pattern, these could boost wearer performance. It was simple, unique and casual, easy to combine with accessories. These clothes also give cheerful influence, and never out-dated. Especially for sporty, and confidence persons.

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Grillz, the New Fashion for Teeth

Justin Bieber wears gold grillz

In hip hop culture, a grillz (also front or golds) is a type of jewelry worn over the teeth. Grills are made of metal and are generally removable. They began to be worn by hip hop artists in the early 1980s, and upgraded during the 90s in New York City, but they became more widely popular during the mid-2000s due to the rise of Dirty South rap and the more mainstream pop culture status Hip Hop attained. Though grillz are fitted to the tooth impression of the wearer, for showing they are rich persons.

Milley Cyrus wears gold grillz
Katy Perry looks wearing grillz on the red carpet of MTV VWAs Awards
Hip Hop Stars wear Grillz

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The Evolution of Harry Potter Stars

Daniel Radcliffe

Rupert Grint

Emma Watson

Tom Felton

Bonnie Wright

Robert Pattinson

How cute, how amazing! They are looks so, emm, grow up!

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The Best and The Worst on the Red Carpet

This year's MTV VMAs 2013 was all about thigh high splits, grills, and Rita Ora's huge feather train. But who else wore what at the big awards bash in Brooklyn?

Well, BFFs Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez co-ordinated in navy, Miley Cyrus showed off her Bambi long legs in 90s-inspired leggings, and a few celebs chose to highlight their, ahem, areas, while Katy Perry made a feature of her mouth. 
Willow Smith and Lady Gaga were disappointingly unwacky at the awards, while Glee's Naya Rivera went goth. As for the boys, One Direction looked a cute as ever.

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